Lucent Bio’s Signature blend, Soileos Soy, optimizes crop growth by improving nutrient availability, minimizing losses, and mitigating Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) while enhancing soil health for consistent, quality yields.
Soileos Soy excels in optimizing nutrient availability, minimizing losses, and ensuring reliable, quality yields. Backed by field trials and a commitment to sustainability, you can rely on Soileos Soy for delivering consistent quality yields season after season, it’s the smart choice for your crops.
Early Emergence
Uniform Growth
Crop Health Promotion
Stress Mitigation
Proven Agronomic Performance
Soileos Soy boasts a remarkable win rate of over 70% in field trials, making it an exceptional choice for soybean growers. Dig Deeper into Soileos Soy’s performance with detailed trial data, and calculate your potential ROI as you explore the outcomes below.
Agronomist’s Note: These trials usually compare to an EDDHA-Fe
How Does Soileos Soy Improve Soil Health?
Soileos Soy helps make your soil healthier. It leverages the symbiotic relationship between crops and soil microbes. Studies have consistently demonstrated that Soileos Soy significantly bolsters soil health by increasing microbial biomass by more than 20%. The carbon content in Soileos Soy is a vital energy source for the soil microbiome. As microbes break down cellulose, they efficiently release and absorb essential nutrients, contributing to healthier and more fertile soil. This approach promotes thriving crops and nurtures a sustainable and robust soil ecosystem, aligning your agricultural practices with eco-sensitive choices. Discover the benefits of Soileos Soy on your soil health today.
Soileos Soy goes beyond enhancing soil health; it addresses the pressing concern of Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) in soybeans. This disease can lead to stunted growth and reduced yields. Soileos Soy contains bioavailable nutrients, including iron and zinc, that enable soybeans to thrive even in challenging IDC-prone soils. By improving nutrient bioavailability and promoting robust root systems, Soileos Soy helps soybeans overcome stress in IDC-prone soils, ensuring healthier, more productive crops that consistently deliver high-quality yields season after season. Discover how Soileos Soy can make a difference in mitigating IDC and boosting your soybean yields.
Easy To Use
Field Application and Timing
Soileos is a durable pellet which blends wells with other dry fertilizers and can be seed placed or broadcast at rates of 5-15 lbs per acre.
Size Guide Number (SGN): 300
Bulk Density: 42lbs/ft3
Packaging size: Bulk fertilizer or 2000 lbs. Totes