How Does Soileos Release Micronutrients?
Our patented technology binds micronutrients to cellulose and uses the soil’s natural biological activity to release nutrients to the crops as required. Nutrients delivered from Soileos to the crop lean on the symbiotic relationship of microbes and your crop; micronutrients are slowly removed from the cellulose of Soileos through microbial mineralization. This is why we call Soileos Bio-Active.
Research with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada shows that Soileos triggers an increase of microbial biomass due to the biologically available carbon in Soileos. As the bioavailable carbon is consumed, the microbial community begins to cycle, releasing the micronutrients back into the ecosystem in a bioavailable form and on time for crop uptake.
In this way, Soileos stimulates the microbiome and capitalizes on the symbiotic microbe-plant relationship to provide essential micronutrients to your farm.
Soileos provides a sustainable solution for micronutrient management in modern farming practices.
Are you interested in learning more about Soileos’ mode of action?
Download the Mode of Action Whitepaper.